This write-up was prompted by the article of Kennedy Ngaaso-faith without compassion, published on myJCR.com on April 19, 2015. In that article, Ngaaso described a woman who refused to accept a blood transfusion which led to the demise of her child and herself as a murderer and a suicide killer all in the name of so-called religious beliefs. I agree with his description.
Indeed, this is one of many evils of religious faith we uphold. It is very pathetic that so-called believers take their scripture so literal than symbolical. My problem with this sought of thinking is that it has been the cause of many violence which hampers peace among humanity.

This is what Sam Harris had to say about violence caused by religious faith which ought to have fostered peace;
Indeed, religion is as much a living spring of violence today as it was at any time in the past. The recent conflicts in Palestine (Jews v. Muslims), Northern Ireland (Protestants v. Catholics), Kashmir (Muslims v. Hindus), Sudan (Muslims v. Christians and animists), Nigeria (Muslims v. Christians), Ethiopia and Eritrea (Muslims v. Christians), Sri Lanka (Sinhalese Buddhists v. Tamil Hindus) are merely a few cases in point. In these places religion has been the explicit cause of literally millions of deaths in the last ten years (Harris, 2004).
It has also become the fashion of most religions to be skeptical in accepting scientific progress and inventions, but it is interesting to note that these same religions propagate their messages through scientific means such as the internet, radio and television. Ironical isn’t it? During my high school days, there was the problem of money transfer. By our second year, e-zwich came to solve the issue of always traveling home for money. We could receive monies from our homes without traveling (risky) home. I remember most Christian friends restrained from registering because they taught it was a “sign of the beast” since your thumbprint was needed for registration.
If this be the case, I think the world is at risk because these people are motivated by the notion that they would be rewarded in heaven. They are motivated by the thinking that it is better to die in this suffering world, through wars and committing atrocities, and be rewarded in heaven. Others still hold the medieval view that history represented the inexorable unfolding of providence-from creation through the redeeming life of Christ to the last judgment. So it is common to see a believer who awaits the destruction of the earth, as a guarantee of his salvation. This view point is dangerous for the future of the earth.
In this period of enlightenment, I am extremely surprised that most people who are influenced by religious rewards and beliefs to act against humanity claim tones of knowledge without justifying their claims; by demonstrating to themselves in the first place, and secondly to anyone else the grounds upon which their beliefs are based.
If we start asking for evidence for anything we choose to believe, including some tenets of religious beliefs such as that which prompted this write-up, I think such atrocities and killings and violence would cease.
Religion is just like any other phenomenon like economics, engineering, medicine and history but people shudder when it comes to questioning religious beliefs because most religious beliefs prohibit its believers from asking questions. They are scared with yet another punishment which is backed by no form of evidence, if they dare question. Whatever the case may be, I just want to remind you that you do not become a skeptic if you subject religious beliefs to questioning. You become a critic, for a skeptic is inclined to doubt opinion but a critic goes over somebody else’s thought and analyze the merits and faults of a belief.
In fact, there is no way of proving to a skeptic that a piece of information is sound and no reason for taking his denials at heart.
So anytime you are told to kill or to refuse blood transfusion or refuse to vote or to be voted for all in the name of religious beliefs and future rewards, just don’t take whatever you are told for granted. Do not take it as absolute truth; make sure you verify such claims by asking for EVIDENCE.