Are you in love? Is your heart troubled because you lost your beloved? The day is here again as we all join hand in hand to share our loves to people who are precious and wonderful in our lives. 14th February has been a magnificent and glorious day in many people’s live. They use this day to unlock the love of their beloveds.
St. Valentine is always tagged with this day because of the love he showed to soldiers who were banned from marrying for performing wedding ceremonies for them. The day was first attributed with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages when the tradition of love flourished.
St. Valentine keys are given to lovers as a romantic symbol as an invitation to decode the giver’s heart. Not only keys are given to love ones but roses, images and statues of cupids. Cupids bow and arrow symbolize the feeling of romance and love on valentine day. Cupid is usually portrayed as a small winged figure with bow and arrow.
In Mythology, he uses his arrow to strike the heart of people. People who fall in love are sometimes said to be ‘struck’ by cupud’s arrow. The day focuses on love, romance, appreciation and friendship.