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Attributes of Academically Successful Students


Students who are tops in their class in virtually every given course they offer in the university are humans with blood running through their veins. They are no just double-headed ‘monsterous’ humans. The only comparative advantage they perhaps have over their underperforming so to say counterparts is the attributes they possess and exhibits.

1. They involve themselves in extracurricular activities:

Over-performers are not only configured to their books but are involved in other activities outside the classroom. Most of them participate actively in students’ union politics such as kparakpos, departmental and at the faculty level.
They join clubs that will impact them academically and otherwise. Clubs like SIFE, ROTARACT, KEGGITE, STUDENTS’ PRESS GROUPs and fellowships play a pivotal role in moulding the student in one way or the other.

This is so because the knowledge a student acquires in activities outside his/her regular academic curriculum does not only add to such a student’s repertoire of knowledge but also make such a student useful and marketable in the real world. It adds to such a student’s curriculum vitae i.e. the summary of your academic and work history.

2. They Do Assignments:

Assignments, field trips etc. are academic requirements for every student. That’s why in most assignments you’ll include the statement “in partial fulfilment of the course GSA 111 requirements”.

Students who are successful academically don’t joke with assignments among other things. Because sometimes the assignment or term paper a lecturer gives a student is what eventually appears in examination. Better still, most assignments are scored to make-up for continuous assessment in the absence of any test. So assignments form the basis of most academically successful students. All these help in a way to boast your semester grade point average (GPA) which culminates to the culminative grade point Average (CGPA) at the end of the session.

3. They cover their Syllabus Beforehand:

Most students make a conscious effort to cover the syllabus of the courses they’ll offer in a said session beforehand. They don’t just read covering the syllabus but they also make notes that are self-explanatory and they can easily recall its content when the need arises. This is where prior knowledge comes to play.

Knowledge one acquires beforehand can easily be recalled but the reverse is always the case. So when you read before a semester resumes or during the holiday, it helps you to understand the one the lecturer will lecture upon resumption. It keeps you ahead. And first-class rated students don’t fail to explore this option. Before the holiday period elapses or school resumes they’ve already had a foretaste of what their academic workload will look like.

Do well to add your own attributes if you in any way don’t agree with the aforementioned.

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