“I’m hard press for time. You better walk fast or clear off from my path. I won’t forgive you if you cause me to miss this week’s episode of my telenovela.”
That was Ama shouting on an octogenarian who has impeded Ama’s movement. That was because the old lady was walking slowly owing to her old age.
This is the generation we have brought forth. Morality has been eroded and stripped down to its skeletal shame.

I have no problem with these telenovelas being televised. The tenacity with which we adore and worship them to the detriment of our socio-cultural life these days is the problem.
Mothers are rushing from their workplaces to their homes to catch a glimpse of telenovela; shopkeepers have become deaf to calls because they’re busily watching telenovela; the little kid has no respect for the elderly because she sees no wrong mimicking her favourite telenovela star.
The kid has no respect for family business meetings, family worships, family travels, does not do school assignment all because he/she does not want to miss a single scene of the telenovela.
What is becoming of us as a family, as a community, as a society and as a nation?
Our generation seems to be slumbering. It is sleeping and dreaming of telenovela which has washed away our sense of reasoning and eroded our culture.
Our way of life has changed; our utterances are now disgusting; for our apparel, hmmm, “I can’t even think far”.
This generation is breeding children who sit for hours and watch telenovelas till the television begs them to retire to bed.
My brothers and sisters, do we sit aloof and watch our homes being destroyed by the influence of TELENOVELAS?
Fascinatingly the Bible in the bedroom is now dusty. Why? Because no one touches it; no one studies it anymore or maybe only on Saturdays or Sundays. Story books are dumped unto the shelves, bags and tables.
We have channelled our leisure time to watching of telenovelas which have now become our god.
The marriage of Akua Mansah and Kojo Fosu is sinking and virtually coming to an abrupt end. Why? Because Akua Mansa needs to catch a glimpse of her favourite telenovela immediately she comes from work before she cooks. As a result, Kojo Fosu and the kids always eat supper late leading to all sorts of disorders in the human body.
Broken homes, drug addiction, pre-marital sex, teenage pregnancies, cancerous relationships, filthy and disgusting utterances are the order of today’s generation. Why? Practising what has been watched – telenovela.
These fictional stories have now been upheld in high esteem in many homes. Addicts, mostly women, have been brainwashed by the illusions these telenovelas create. Spouses don’t appreciate each other anymore because the wife expects her husband to treat her just like what she watched in the telenovela.
Dear ones, let us not fall victims and preys to such a brink which is collapsing homes. We have a generation of business men, pastors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers and many more professions to train.
No time to produce telenovela addicts.
But all is not lost. We can stand up and speak out. We can let our kids be disciplined once again. We must not give in. Only we can bring about the joy we need in the family. Couples can reignite their love again.
Let us not allow telenovelas to take charge of our children, our marriages, our homes, our families, our society and our nation.
Let us take charge of our own and make our homes beautiful and better. We can do it.
God bless you.
Principal Contributor: Benjamin Adotey (UNCLE BEN’S CUBICLE), KNUST, Ghana.
Supporting Contributor: Nicholas Okyere, Director @ T H I N K (England – UK).