Home News KNUST A request to interdict the KNUST Electoral Commissioner

A request to interdict the KNUST Electoral Commissioner


Please find below, a request that was sent to the current KNUST SRC President, Mr. Eben Bonsra, to interdict the KNUST EC, Mr. David Awuah-Donkor.


Dear Sir,


Events leading up to today’s ( 9/04/2013) SRC elections characterized with the postponement have given credence to our doubt whether the SRC Electoral Commissioner is COMPETENT enough to organize the SRC elections.

In effect, we are calling on your outfit to SET HIM ASIDE or better put INTERDICT HIM, referencing that you are the appointing authority. Moreover, his presence as Electoral Commissioner is a threat to a peaceful election on our campus devoid of litigation.

Notwithstanding, his INCOMPETENCE in organizing today’s elections on two separate occasions, he has by actions warranted the need for this call against him anchored on the following:

1. He in defiance to the SRC Judicial Council’s verdict opted to engage the College of Architecture and Planning (CAPSS) electoral Commissioner – Mr. Henry Agyemang (Casper) who apparently has been removed on grounds of judicial contempt.

2. To further his ‘course’, he has failed to release copies of the voter’s register to aspirants although such have been officially requested. This give reason for his notorious stance on the use of paper ballot rather than biometric.

3. Again, he unilaterally has refused to publish the Non-residential vetting results against protocol, the law and ethics even after over 1 week and have still arrogantly detained it in his ‘pocket’.

4. Furthermore, he, by a ‘tyrannical oparendi’ attempted to re-organize the Non-Residential vetting if not fiercely resisted by some concerned parties.

5. He also has by act sidelined the Non-Residential Electoral Commissioner and surgically prevented him from performing his functions as dictated by practice; blatantly hijacking the electoral processes just to satisfy his whims. In effect point (4).

6. Notwithstanding his demonstration of incompetence in failing to organize the SRC elections, he arrogantly failed to serve notice to the generality of the student populace of KNUST. Such can best be described as gross disrespect to the students of KNUST, making students thrive on rumors rather than credible information.

7. In effect, he constitutionally, article 32 1(e) states that an executive who individually or severally conduct himself in a manner which brings or is likely to bring the name of the SRC into disrepute constitutes grounds for impeachment or suspension. In line with the above, we call on your outfit to immediately interdict him since his acts so far have proven to constitute INCOMPETENCE.

Again, his presence amongst other rumors of corruption (although can’t be evidentially proven) makes him a threat to the outcome of the electoral results.

With his presence as Electoral Commissioner amidst the gross demonstration of incompetence in handling elections, there is no guarantee of his ability to organize a successful election. He has erred and so must be interdicted.

It is our prayer that you salvage the reputation of your administration by IMMEDIATELY INTERDICTING

Yours in service to Students,


Paul Obeng Atiemo
George Asiedu Otchere
Kofi Arkoh

SRC Judicial Committee Chairman
SRC Legal Affairs
All notice Boards

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