Home News KNUST Call for applications for TEST for Ghana Scholarships; 2013/2014 Academic Year

Call for applications for TEST for Ghana Scholarships; 2013/2014 Academic Year


TEST for Ghana is calling for applications for 2013/2014 academic year.

The Foundation provides four year Full or Partial Scholarships to Needy but Bright Students to undertake new and/ or continuing Tertiary Education studies at Ghanaian Public Universities and Polytechnics in their own country.

ELIGIBILITY:  The scholarship is opened to all brilliant but needy students of KNUST.

APPLICATION FORM and other detailed information can be downloaded from the website, www.testforghana.com. and KNUST website www.knust.edu.gh

-Fresh students who are yet to be admitted should submit their application forms directly to Test for Ghana least by 30th August, 2013.

-Renewal forms of previous beneficiaries should be submitted with an up-to-date result slip by 31st May, 2013.

NOTE: No forms will be accepted after the deadline.

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