The University Christian Fellowship (UCF) has held an orientation program for freshmen 2013/2014 spiritual year at the University of Ghana, Legon. This year’s edition of the annual programme was held at the Volta Hall Dining Hall from 25th September through 27th September, under the theme “Separated unto God.”
The Chairperson of the Freshers’ Orientation Committee, in his address on the first day of the gathering explained that the fresher’s orientation is a “requirement” for every Christian on campus just as the orientation organized by the school was compulsory for all students. The chairperson was optimistic that those freshmen who turned for the meeting would be counted faithful in life, because of their obedience to the call by the University Christian Fellowship.
The first day of the program hosted Prophetess Zipporah, who was introduced after an inspirational music ministration from the renowned Chosen Vessels Choir of the UCF. In her message, she admonished all fresh men to choose God, and not live for themselves. “In life are two decisions we are faced with, we have the choice to live for God and also to live for self. Each decision comes with its implications” she noted, admonishing participants to choose to live for God.
The Prophetess stressed on the need for Christians to recognize Christ at the center of their lives, and yield to Him. “There is nothing like a Christian life, because as a Christian your whole life should be centered on God,” she explained. She added that believers should not compartmentalize their lives, giving God access to some aspects and not others. “We should not have a spiritual garment and a secular garment” which we rotate in between time, she added. Bemoaning the double-living of some believers, Prophetess Zipporah stressed that believers should not attempt serving two masters – they would surely love one and loathe the other as the Bible declares.
Prophetess Zipporah further admonished the fresh students to be responsible during their stay on campus, and make the best out of it. The University, she said, is our final stage in developing as adults. That is why in the university there are no bells, no house mistresses and no lights out, she added. “You have to make your own decisions. You have to plan your time. No one would punish you for missing lectures. However there is a law in physics that states that to every action there is a reaction,” Prophetess added. She noted that every decision we make in life does have a consequence; either positive or negative. In that light, she cautioned the freshmen to be careful that they do not go astray on campus and end up wasting four years of their lives. Rather, they should make good friends, study head and above, ensure they discover their purpose in lives here. She called on participants to be “separated unto God”, what I call a higher level sanctification. She then called people to salvation, and also gave some prophesies which were directions for prayer.
The first day of the Freshers’ orientation was wonderful. Other sessions in the program include a relationship seminar. Stay tuned for other stories from the orientation.