Home Notices KNUST Public notice on Admission to KNUST

Public notice on Admission to KNUST


It is announced for the information of the general public, applicants, parents and guardians that;

Admission to all programme of study at the university are transparently administered by the central undergraduate admissions committee without any other considerations and/or solicitations.

Any applicant who makes any form of solicitation to any person or group of persons for the purposes of influencing and/or gaining admission into the university does so at his or her own risk.

Also, members of staff are hereby cautioned that any member of staff caught and/or found to be involved in the practice of financial solicitations and/or illegal indulgence for admissions to the university shall be dismissed summarily from the university and be prosecuted accordingly.

The cooperation of the general public and all members of staff in weeding out such elements in order to ensure and protect the sanctity and integrity of the university is most welcomed and appreciated.

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