Please accept greetings from the National Executive Committee (NEC) of National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS).
The NEC of NUGS wishes to, first and foremost apologize to all stakeholders on the recent happenings within the rank and file of the Union in the runup to the emergency congress, which is slated for Saturday October 3, 2015 at the Islamic University, Accra.

NEC gives due cognizance to the structures of the Union and acknowledges the efforts of all and sundry especially the National Executive Officers (NEO), the leadership of the Steering Committee, the Electoral Commission (EC) as well as the general student populace in ensuring that the Union moves forward in this “trying moment”.
We further wish to take responsibility for all the mishaps that befell the Union in recent times especially with the brouhaha surrounding the Electoral Commission.
Without seeking to recollect the already spilt milk, NEC has resolved and accordingly directs that the following be observed by all parties for love of God and our dear Union.
We acknowledge the recommendations made by the National Executive Officers of the Union and wish to state that it purely remains a recommendation/suggestion as explicitly stated in the said statement. Our constitution provides that nobody or organ has the authority to compel the Electoral Commission which is an independent body to effect such changes except the members of the commission. This is pursuance to Article 50 (f) of the NUGS constitution.
We further want to accentuate that, under our current constitutional regime, it is within the purview of the NEO to convey Congress and not any other body, i.e whether emergency or normal congress (The combined effect of Article 15 and 16 vindicates this position).
We further recommend the following:
1. That, henceforth, all parties should respectfully desist from issuing statements or circulars on the above subjects but rather communicate their recommendations directly to the body concerned because the open exchanges are not helping matters at all. We are thus, calling for a rather diplomatic engagement with significant finesse for love of God and Union.
2. That, all parties should uphold the spirit and letter of the very Constitution that binds us together as a Union and provides independence to the aforementioned bodies while working hand in hand for the success of the emergency congress.
3. We again wish to communicate to both the Electoral Commission and the Steering Committee to take the very decisions that shall be in the collective interest of the Union towards having a smooth, transparent, free and fair Elections rather than kowtowing to the whimsical and capricious predisposition of any individuals or group. Both committees enjoy some significant independence in view of their crucial roles and that, must be respected and upheld by all.
4. In view of the foregoing, NEC suggests to the National Secretariat (NEO) to engage the services of the Electoral Commission of Ghana; which we believe shall best help prevent some basic avoidable electoral flaws and allay the fears of all stakeholders
In conclusion, NEC wishes to reassure all and sundry of our unwavering commitment to ensuring that nothing is left to chance as far as the organization of the emergency congress is concerned. And that, NUGS shall triumph once again.
We are hopeful and confident that we could count on your usual cooperation and support for love of God and Union.
Thank you.
Iddi Muhayu-deen
NUGS General Secretary (Secretary-NEC)
Prosper Dzitse
NUGS President (Chairman-NEC)