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Great Sage writes: Programming yourself for success

Francis Edison Owusu (Great Sage) | myJCR

Let’s talk for a moment on your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the power center that directs your energy. It is responsible for regulating your breathing, your heartbeat, your blood flow and all other seemingly automatic functions that keep you alive.

Your subconscious responds to the signals and the messages you give it. If you repeatedly tell yourself you are fat, ugly, worthless and a failure, you are unknowingly giving it a road map. You are telling your subconscious mind this is what you think you are and the subconscious always says yes! It isn’t bias. It just follows directions much as a computer program does. The subconscious doesn’t have the ability to say “hey wait a minute, that’s not true about you!” Only you have that ability. You have to consciously decide who you are and then let your subconscious know it. You do this by giving it pictures and images as well as positive words.

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For lack of a better example, imagine you are taking a stroll at Ayeduase and you later decided to enter Best in Town restaurant to have lunch. The waiter comes to your table and present you with the menu, then you order for plain rice, two chickens and small coke. The subconscious does the same thing the attendant at the restaurant does, it fills your order. It doesn’t see you and say, “you know, you really ought to be having a salad, we have some great new salads, are you sure you don’t want to change your order?” Your subconscious doesn’t look out for your best interest any more than the fast food attendant does. He’s just doing his job. It’s your job to look out for your best interest and to order accordingly.

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We influence our subconscious mind by the words we speak, the thoughts we think, the mental images we entertain, the feelings we have and the actions we take. Most often, students be-little themselves and give in so easily to academic pressures, as a result begins to lose self-confident. They then proclaim to themselves, “I am a failure,” “Ei Awurade mεwu!” which literally means “Oh God, I’m died, or Oh God, I’m finish,” especially a KNUST student who just checked his/her results and had one or two trails, or had his CWA cut down. Their world begins to crush. “Oh Gosh! what is this? How could I have trailed CSM or Comms Skills among the rest” Chaley, be patient, it happens and it you are not immune to it. Some of us have passed through worst, but we didn’t condemn ourselves.

At this point, you are at the restaurant ready to make your order. I would advise you to be careful with the sort of food you order. The subconscious mind won’t tell you, you ought to have tried this, it’s nice. It just follows instruction and always says YES.

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Ask for what you want. Take responsibility for what you want and for receiving it. Be prepared for it and everything that comes along with it.

Keep your word. Watch how people start having more respect for you because they realize that you carry the beacon of smile and hope.

Give the “new you” time to take shape, get to like yourself and then watch as your life shifts toward success. Remember, if you aren’t determined to be successful, you won’t be successful.

Who’s in charge? You are! Who can make changes so that you see yourself differently? You can!

Good Luck!!!

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