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60 CWA For KNUST Student Leaders, A Bane Or Blessing?


At the first sitting of the second session of the 7th parliament of KNUST Students Parliament held on the 2nd of February 2014 at Africa Hall JCR, the following were made.

It is accepted that leaders should be good in all circles, but the question is: Is the academic strings to leadership going to solve the perceived problem of SRC presidents not graduating as explained by the dean of students?

SRC presidents after assuming office have additional tasks to perform aside their academic work thereby making it difficult to manage their time effectively. For example, the SRC president is a member of the academic board committee, university council, health services committee, residence committee. From this, one will realize that he or she has got a lot to do and therefore combining these activities with academics can be tedious.

Records have proven that most SRC presidents come into office with a CWA of 60 or higher but leave school with 50 or below, while others do not graduate at all. This makes it evident that the 60+ average leadership policy would not solve the problem but rather kill the students’ front.

We acknowledge that SRC presidents should be knowledgeable about the field in which they are venturing and as such must manage their time judiciously in order to produce excellent results as academicians and fulfill their promises made to the student body.

Also, we suggest that a provision be made in the SRC constitution stating that SRC executives should use their one year period of service to students in place of their national service.

This is our humble submission

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