Home Articles Opinions A Bachelor’s degree in one hour

A Bachelor’s degree in one hour


It will amaze you the enormous amount of hours you spend on the internet or indulging in a less productive activity on a daily basis.
An hour in 24 hours is like a drop in the ocean. Just think of what you might normally use an hour for? Is it facebooking, tweeting, chatting with friends or watching a movie?
Now, this is what I’ve found out an hour a day could do. If you should dedicate just one hour a day consistently throughout the year to read books, or listen to personal development audios or even learn a new skill or trade, you’ll find that you’ve invested 365 hours in the year on that activity.
Here’s the catch . . . When I was in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) for my bachelor’s degree, a typical 3-credit hour course required 3 hours of lectures weekly; that makes about 12 hours a month.
Normally we spent about 8 months in an academic year. That culminates into 96 hours in the whole academic year. For a typical bachelor’s degree programme, one was expected to spend 4 years in school. When you do the mathematics, it means the 3-credit hour course, when offered from the 1st to the 4th year requires a total of about 384 hours. Fantastic!
Let’s make a comparison here.
We’ve established that we would have invested 365 hours in reading or listening to a personal development audio or learning a new skill or trade if we’re dedicated to that course throughout the year. We’ve also established that it would take a typical student about 384 hours to study a 3-credit hour course in four years at the university.
This means you’re only short of about 19 hours to obtain a degree in that subject you read or listened to via audio, or skill or trade you learnt in just an hour of dedication.
This one-hour approach has been of tremendous help to me. Whenever we talk of reading or learning a new skill or trade, most people think it should take their whole day. No, not at all!! Just an hour a day throughout the year with discipline and consistency is all you need to gain mastery in whichever field it is.
After all you spend more than an hour everyday engaging in activities that add almost nothing to your life. Invest your time wisely. Time is the only resource we’re freely given but have absolutely no control over. The power of an hour a day can make a whole world of difference. Just try it!!! YOU CAN OBTAIN A BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN ONE HOUR INDEED!!!
This article was written by;
Jonathan Adzokpe,
Host of Motivational Arena,
A weekend motivational radio talk show
On Nash Radio every Saturday from
11:00 to 12:00 GMT live at www.radionash.com

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