“You can be cynical about this, you can say, it’s easy to love Oprah. It’s harder to embrace the idea of putting more resources into opportunity for young black men-some of whom aren’t so lovable. But I don’t feel that way. I think it’s healthy, a good instinct. I just don’t want it to stay with Oprah. I’d rather say, If you feel good about me, there are a whole lot of young men out there who could be me if given the chance.”(The Fresh Face-Joe Klein).
I am very much in a dilemma in trying to reconcile my stands on various issues making headlines in our motherland and the black star of Africa, Ghana. It is very interesting listening and reading the news about happenings in the country. A country widely acclaimed to be reaching a middle income economy; a country with a variety of religions and ranked 1st by the Gallup International Association as most religious; as remembered by most for his great influence in the total independence of African from colonialism, Nkrumah once professed we neither face east or west but forward, days of military dictatorship and now to the dream of all and proclaimed by the first president of the fourth republic; Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings to date. The true walls of democracy with emphasis on the rights of the citizen thus freedom of speech and expression are the tenants on which I stand today to write this brief.
I am very much convinced that Ghana has a role to play in the total development of Africa and its own upliftment as a sovereign state and must take stands to make its citizenry enjoy enough security and peace. But in all these, I must be quick to add that it lies in the laws of our nation, that;
“Justice emanates from the people and shall be administered in the name of the Republic by the Judiciary which shall be independent and subject to only this Constitution.” (Act 125, Chapter 1)
Delving into the issues confronting our nation today I raise as a concerned youth and I pray that this brief would be read wide and help promote justice and the promotion of the cry of the youth in this country. We need to crack the nation open and cut its flower into something new. If we need to produce a more civilised society and a more just society it has to be based on the truth.
I believe that every nation is driven by its citizenry and most especially the youth and bold steps must be taken to strengthen and prepare the youth for the future. Also critical policies taken by the government must also be youth driven to help promote this nation.
Recently I have been stuck driven by the depth of loans acquired by the governments and those passed. Ghana has acquired a lot to make the nation better but have also forgotten that all these acquired loans have its repayment time in the prospective view to be in the days of the youth of my time. Repayment times with high interest, and I ask myself-“WHERE LIES THE FUTURE OF THE YOUTH?”
“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts” (Dalai Lama)
The education of the youth is the backbone of the future of our nation. Every thriving nation invests immensely in its youth and I pray that Ghana also has taken such responsibility to educate its youth in order to help achieve great heights in Africa and the world at large. I cried when I saw my sister even though had successfully completely Apam Secondary School would be competing unfairly for limited admission into the university this year. The current issue of two batches of WASSCE candidates 2013, November-December WASSCE candidates, mature candidates and unsuccessful applicants of last year’s admissions into the universities is a very important issue affecting the youth now. Education of the youth is a right and must not be curtailed.
The unfair competition for admissions for this year’s intake has risen by the decision of the government in cancelling the 4 year system. In all these I heard about 7 million cedi has been allocated by the government to the universities for expansion projects, but I don’t think this would solve this awaiting time bomb. In the age and times where government cheques are bounced when issued, when the GET Fund is crying for reimbursements and deficit budget are been recorded, this can also be an example of dust been through into the eyes of the youth. Why didn’t we continue with a system of 4 years, which allowed the youth stay more in school done rushing to finish into a society of no jobs and be a nuisance; a system that allowed the student experience life of mid-teens were people of diverse backgrounds come together and forget all about tribalism but to argue on school lines and become more patriotic; and a system that has proven to produce more and better grades in our history of examinations-“WHERE LIES THE FUTURE OF THE YOUTH?”
Ghana has been safe guarded not only by the security apparatus but also the wise counsel of the elderly to the youth. But lately the inciting and the beating of war drums all about the impending petition are a course of worry to me us a youth. Citing the Ashaman incidence and other incidents spear headed by the youth are all course for the elderly to restructure the broken walls of truth in our nation and also avoid the inciting of the youth. If not anything in my mind at all I know for a fact that all great revolutions in the world, talk of the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and the likes were all started by a member of this great coalition; the youth and therefore steps must be taken to avoid such happenings. Let us not forget that it was the blood and great voices of the youth that helped Dr. Nkrumah to salvage power from the white and make this nation a sovereign state. And I must say that the youth must have its voice heard loud and clear in the nation.
I pray that the courts would do their best for justice and leave the rest to God.
But to my fellow youth out there, let us not allow ourselves to be used by anybody for the destruction of our nation. The nation is ours and we need to safeguard this growing democracy for it to last till eternity because our Youth Anthem says;
Arise Ghana youth for your country
The nation demands your devotion
Let us all unity to uphold her
And make Her Great and Strong
It is time for us to collectively hail to the name Ghana and make a “solemn vow” that is steadfast to build a nation so strong in unity with our gifts of mind and strength of arms. Whether night or day, in the stormy weather unite and raise the flag of Ghana high above all and sundry. Make the black star our true guide of hope and honour.
Arise you leaders of tomorrow and let no vain, selfish and rapacious ambitions of political leaders divide us. Truth is always one.
Live Pure, Speak Truth ,Right Wrong,Follow the King.
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