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You are educated to engage, transform, build, operate and transfer


Education consists not only in the sum of what a man or woman knows, or the skill with which he or she can put this to his or her own advantage. A man or woman’s education must be measured in terms of the soundness of his or her judgment of people, situations and of things, and in his or her power to understand and appreciate the needs of his or her fellowmen and women, and to be of service to them. The truly educated man or woman should be so sensitive to the conditions around him or her that he or she makes it his or her prime endeavour to improve those conditions for the broader good of society.

The role of institutions of higher learning such as polytechnics, colleges and universities in our nation, is to be the academic focus of national life, reflecting the social, economic, cultural and political aspirations of the people. It must kindle national interest in the youth, uplift our citizens through relevant knowledge, and liberate them from ignorance, superstition, mediocrity, inferiority and indolence. Products of these institutions should be equipped with specific knowledge and skills required to produce the goods and services needed by the nation and the world. It is crucial that students are trained to demonstrate critical thinking skills, capability, logic, creativity, innovation, pragmatism, self-sacrifice, self-belief, self-motivation, self-determination and achievement.

A higher institution of learning does not exist in a vacuum or in outer space. It exists in the context of a society, and it is there that it has it’s proper place. We must be minded of it’s purpose and focus. It’s strategic positioning logically implies that all these institutions must be supported by society. This includes the crucial collaboration with industry in developing products relevant to the needs of the market.

Since education is the prime move to make in embarking on a major, forceful, paradigm-shifting, re-structuring and socioeconomic transformation program, let us acquire globally-competitive knowledge and skills to build our nation, transform it into a 21st century one, operate it with the highest levels of efficiency, and transfer it in a value-added state to the next generation. Value addition to yourself and applied to your community and nation results in rapid transformation of the nation. Yes we can!! God Bless the New Ghana Nation with “YOU” as the transformer.

Charles Sam
Golden Future Promotions
Tel : +233 244 685689
Email : goldnfuture[at]yahoo.com

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