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Hostel Managers Should Consider Innovative Ways of Retaining Students

Managers hostels around the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus may face the scare of meeting empty hostels next academic year...

How to Balance your Academic and Social Life as a Student (A Must Read)

Not to mention the amount of pressure to perform well and to spend time with friends while we still can before we all go...

Masturbation Opens Spiritual Portals

People who cannot control the urge to masturbate or watch pornography are almost always plagued with a sexual devil. Maybe more than one. ...

Stay on Budget as a Student: myJCR recommends 4 Budgeting and Personal Finance Apps

We all mean well when we plan out a budget, but without discipline, impulse control, diligent logging of your income and expenses — and...

What I learnt about people at the university

Well, after four years in university, I think I have learnt a few things about people that I feel I must share with the...

The Woman Manifesto

When you said categorically that you loved me, I thought of the gratifying feeling of walking down the aisle, arm in arm with the man...

Who will Save us from these WhatsApp Groups Bandwagon?

I am not going to mince words. I’m beginning to be repelled by these many annoying WhatsApp groups. Now, before you call me evil...

How to unsend an email in Gmail

We've had the ability to "unsend" emails in Gmail for about six years now, but the feature was somewhat hidden in the obscure Labs...

Skinny Jeans can cause serious damage to nerves and muscles

Skinny jeans have long been the legwear of choice among fashionistas, but it appears there are health risks associated with dressing like Kate Moss...

The Voice GH is making a difference

The Voice GH is making aThe Voice GH is is a youth group which seeks to address some of the social, political and legal...

How to Get your Friend to fall in Love with you

Are you that guy that seem to be stuck in the “friendzone” with a girl you really like? It can be very upsetting if...

Why ‘C’ Students Usually End Up Being the Most Successful in Life

Former President George W. Bush isn’t typically celebrated for his public speaking skills, but he made an important and insightful point the other day...

The End of KNUST Kwashiorkor Politics

It was Thursday 22nd May 2003 after my Class 4 teacher had finished teaching us a topic titled “Types of Diseases”, the whole class...

Less Thinking Graduates: Na Who Cause Am?

I once had a lecturer who did not know what he taught (either he did not know or he was not sure). When he...

Why I Endorse Afia as UCC SRC General Secretary

I listened to Elizabeth Dwamena (Afia) on the day of manifesto reading at Auditorium 900 and I must confess, she exhumes extreme intelligence and...

A Letter to the Fante Dokono Wura

Dear Fante Dokono Wura, There is no doubt Fante kenkey is one of the most patronized foods around the world especially at places where...

The Joy of a Mother

The joy of a mother is always found in the child. When the child is joyful, then the mother is also with joy. Being...

20 Profound Truths You Learn in Your 20s

Your 20s will feel like a roller coaster — you will laugh, cry, and cringe. But that's all part of the fun! Before you...

Conti and Katanga can do Better

If we are to have peace between Unity Hall (Conti) and University Hall (Katanga) at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), our...

5 Things You Need to do to Secure an Attachment

Some programmes of study at universities have a compulsory industrial attachment period which one has to complete before being awarded their undergraduate degree. Some...


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