The Students Loan Trust Fund (STLF) has published the names of 31,223 persons who took student loans from it but have defaulted in paying back.
Some of the names published on its website are said to have defaulted for close to ten years.
The STLF is also threatening to publish the names in the national dailies if such persons refuse to make payments.
According to the Fund, the names published on the website are “borrowers [who] are in default of their monthly installments or have not started repayment of their loans.”
A brief statement on the website urged the loan defaulters to endeavor to pay back the loans.
“We are therefore asking the under-listed borrowers to repay the loan in order for others to access the fund. The Trust Fund will publish the names of these defaulters and their respective amounts in the National dailies if they fail to repay their loans on time.”
Click on the link below to view the list of defaulters.
List of SLTF Students Loan Defaulters
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